It can be a daunting time, when you reach the end of your time at university, and are about to start looking for your first job as a graduate. You’ve spent the past few years soaking up student life, working on assignments and taking exams, then before you know it, the time comes and you need to ask yourself ‘what next?’
From Theory to Practice
I was extremely fortunate to begin my role at PG Paper as an intern 2 years ago when I graduated university. This was the start of my PG journey and I am now an International Marketing Executive, based in our UK HQ. Working in an international business has been a great opportunity for me to apply the theory of the lecture room – and to learn a lot of new skills too.
Communicating with the World!
PG Paper currently does business in over 55 countries around the globe and I have really enjoyed learning about the business, cultural and societal norms across our many markets – and how to tailor our offering to suit local conditions. I get great satisfaction knowing that the marketing communications that we share across our numerous channels is seen by people all over the world! Having the opportunity to complete B2B global marketing activities, and learn how to do so effectively has been extremely insightful.
Top Tips to My Former Self 😊
If you are a recent graduate, currently thinking ‘what next?’ or you’re about to start a new role after graduating – here are few top tips I’d have shared with my former self when I started my role:
1- Take every opportunity you can to learn
You’re working with experts in their field every day! Take advantage of that and take hold of every new opportunity that comes your way, no matter how daunting it may seem.
2- Learn from your mistakes & most importantly, move forward
No matter how much of a perfectionist you are, you need to accept that you will make mistakes (no one is perfect!) – and when you make a mistake, learn from it and move forward with a positive attitude.
3- Don’t be afraid to ask questions
ff you don’t know, ask! Everyone has been in your shoes before and the knowledge you’ll gain will be so beneficial.
4- Listen to those around you
If you’re fortunate enough to be able to listen in to meetings/ shadow a senior member of the team, then do so. Just by being present I’ve been lucky to be a part of some great learning experiences.
5- Last but not least, have fun!
When you think about the time you spend in work/ with your work colleagues (ok, maybe not recently!) they’re a big part of your life – enjoy it & make other people smile with you!😊
Here at PG, I help to organise team building and social events which has been a great addition to my current role and is something I would encourage everyone to get involved in.
It goes without saying that I am still learning every single day and regularly remind myself of these ‘top tips’ as I keep on top of all the new opportunities that come my way. But as a graduate taking that first step in to the world of work, strive to be the best version of yourself and you won’t be disappointed. And remember, there’s no wrong path when it comes to life after university!